Breaking the Chains of Isolation: Finding Community in the Midst of Trauma
When we isolate ourselves, we deprive others of the opportunity to fulfill this calling. More importantly, we deprive ourselves of the healing that comes through community. As we confess our struggles to one another and pray together, God works through His people to bring comfort and hope.

Your Relationship is Hard? Speak Redemptively!
We are in relationships with others but still feel burdened by those relationships that seem to bring out the worst in us. But God tells us that we CAN be free from the tyranny of unpleasant reactions. How do we do it?
This article will help you understand your heart and move forward toward freedom.

Coffee Makers, Conflict, and Christmas
While a simple scenario, anyone who has been married for more than a few months knows that this could have ended really, really badly. Over a coffee maker? Oh yeah…you’d be surprised at how silly some of the most destructive fights in a marriage can be. Or…maybe you wouldn’t be surprised.

Holding Back Wild Horses in Communication
In a tense conversation dealing with very loud feelings, holding back your own thoughts and feelings can feel like trying to hold back wild horses. However, if our goal is to live the righteous way our Holy Father desires us to live, it is worth the sweat and stress of holding back our quick to speak hearts.

Are Trauma Responses Sinful?
Many spiritual people walking with God try hard to soldier on with a smile believing they should be unaffected and without impact. This is bad theology and is a form of a health and wealth gospel that treats spirituality as a means to an end to achieving physical and emotional equilibrium.

Our Response to Suffering
The question is not IF you will suffer. The question is what is your response WHEN you suffer?

Pastors and Wives Scholarship (Video)
Raising awareness for a scholarship opportunity that has been made available for local pastors and their wives. This is a scholarship that provides 50% off for a pastor, his wife, or marriage counseling for up to 6 sessions.

Healing Past Hurts: Embracing Suffering with Faith and Hope
As Christians, we are not immune to suffering or past hurts. Our experiences can leave deep wounds that, if left unchecked, can blind us to joy and hinder our journey toward spiritual fulfillment. However, as Christians, we have a unique hope that transcends our past pain, pointing us toward a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Forest Fires and Restitution - Philemon Pt. 5
Like taking responsibility, not just for starting a blaze but for the whole resulting forest fire, one of the marks of someone who is truly repentant is that they are willing to take responsibility, not just for their actions, but for the fallout of those actions as well.

Marriage Counseling with Mike and Lynne
BCA is thrilled to share that Mike and Lynne Paasch will be counseling together as a couple over the summer of 2024, offering marriage counseling as a team. They have limited spaces but are looking forward to blessing your marriage.

The Tree that Didn’t Die (An Update)
Joe Leavell shares an update from his story of the tree in his backyard to help encourage those who may be doing all the right things but still struggling to see any meaningful difference in their lives.

The Art of Kintsugi and the Greatest Artist
It is the honorable purpose of the Japanese artist who takes broken pottery, and makes it something more by mending it with gold. How much more magnificent is it that the Creator of the whole world changes His people through their trials to build a stronger, more vibrant, knowledge and intimacy of Him and His glory.

Piano Lessons and Biblical Counseling
Many times, I have watched those who come for counseling who want a quick path to maturity in their faith, or rapidly settle with just ‘good enough’ when things get hard. Yet Scripture presents us with far more than we ever bargained for! It shows us a life intended to be full of color, emotion, discipline, beauty, and skillful relational excellence founded upon God’s love and his good design..

Revenge or Forgiveness? - Philemon Pt. 4
The very center of Paul’s appeal for forgiveness is the reflection of Christ’s call for us all to forgive. While he could appeal to his authority over us and say, “I am God and I command you to forgive!” the Lord doesn't do that. He appeals to our relationship with him, his love and compassion for us, and tells us to emulate that forgiving relationship into the lives of others.

Ointment for an Open Wound
How will some manmade coconut oil mixed with wax and honey salve going to heal the aching in our hearts, grieving in our souls, the heartache of a loss, or emotions that run rapid ? What about our shortcomings, errors, immorality and misdoings? How will these open gaping sores ever be completely healed?

The Beauty of Forgiveness
If we intentionally make it our aim to forgive our “enemies” as Jesus did, what would your community look like?
Gorgeous. Stunning. Attractive. Dazzling. A bright light in a dark world!

Passing the Baton
The joy of knowing that we have a part to play in the story of what God is doing through the ages is such a joy but also a responsibility! We are not to keep it only for ourselves but to entrust it to others who will do the same.

What Mary Didn’t Know…About Mary
While she had a rough outline of who her son would become, and what would happen to him, the truth is, little was told by the angel about what would happen to, well, Mary.
So, what did Mary know about Mary?

The Character of a Forgiver - Philemon Pt. 3
If you were the one who had been wronged and now true reconciliation was possible how would you respond? What would it look like if you held all the cards and the one who hurt you had his future or his very life in your hands?

Rocks, Bread, and Living for Sex
The reality is that many men are working hard to overcome a problem that they don’t even truly see as a real evil. They know it’s wrong, because that's what they've been taught, and they know that it hurts those they love. However, deep down in their hearts, in the moment of temptation, they believe that it is a good.