Fixing My Collar - Being a True Friend (Video)
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Fixing My Collar - Being a True Friend (Video)

BCA counselor, Joe Leavell shares a story of embarrassment and friendship, and the type of true friend we desire to be at BCA. A doctor would not be a ‘friend’ if he withheld a cancer diagnosis, nor would we be a friend if we did not tell you the truth in love.

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Monsoons in Your Marriage?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Monsoons in Your Marriage?

After years of marriage, has the love slowly continued to dry up? Is the word “desert” the right one to describe your relationship? Do you try grand sacrificial gestures, promises of change, exotic and expensive family trips, extravagant presents…hoping something will help? 

These often do little to nothing to move the needle as you and your spouse continue to grow further and further apart.

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What Gives Jesus the Right to Counsel?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

What Gives Jesus the Right to Counsel?

What gives Jesus the right to tell us what to do?! He just expects us to accept his treatment plan? Life needs to be different now? Why does Jesus get to have any say over our lives at all?

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Net-Working the Church
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Net-Working the Church

This is only one of a multitude of stories I could share of people who looked healthy externally when they showed up for church but behind the scenes, they were besieged with various major spiritual problems and everyone in the church was oblivious.

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Giving God Dead Leaves
Rebekah Leavell Rebekah Leavell

Giving God Dead Leaves

Several years ago, our youngest children got themselves in trouble when I caught them doing something they knew I had explicitly told them not to do. Our four-year-old daughter was troubled that I was upset over her disobedience. She decided she would give me a present to help smooth things over. She went out into our backyard and gathered a bouquet of dead leaves from off the ground. She presented them to me proudly and then said, "Are you happy now, Mommy?”

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Church Hurt and the Missing Pastor
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Church Hurt and the Missing Pastor

Many times, those who come to us for counseling because of church hurt, do so because of some significant difficulty in their life that their church family didn’t even notice. Worse, the church did notice and then did little to nothing to help.

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Perfume Wars and Hidden Sins
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Perfume Wars and Hidden Sins

It’s funny that in our pungent clashes, we thought we were getting away with it because we would make sure no one was looking. But to say our battle was hidden is laughable. Our sin works the same way. The effects of even the most hidden sin can be contained as effectively as the smell of our perfume war.

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The Gospel is Better than Our Best Efforts (video)
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

The Gospel is Better than Our Best Efforts (video)

While Scripture is full of tangible help for those who are hurting or seeking answers, our best efforts to obey God's commands in our own strength are not enough. Our efforts start with the Gospel which purifies our actions and motivates us to reflect Christ in worship through what we say and do. We have no desire to heap up 'law' but desire the help that we bring to flow from grace. This is why we center our counseling on the Gospel.

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My Imaginary Kingdom
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

My Imaginary Kingdom

In those moments, I realized what I had so quickly allowed my heart to do – to get lost in my imagination of a life that God had not seen fit to give. I was imagining what would happen if that ticket held the ‘lucky’ numbers, and my life would be instantly different. 

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Stop Trying to Save ‘The Marriage’
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Stop Trying to Save ‘The Marriage’

Are you trying to save your marriage…or your relationship with your spouse? Think again what you are fighting for. Your marriage or your spouse? Because even though we use those terms synonymously, those two are not necessarily the same thing. It’s time to stop trying to save ‘the marriage.’

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Who is the Boss of You?
Kathi Bishop Kathi Bishop

Who is the Boss of You?

We know that toxic relationships can deform us. They can cause us to lose who we truly are, the best parts of ourselves can remain immature, and undernourished. So how do you heal that part of yourself?

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Would You Invite a Burglar to House Sit?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Would You Invite a Burglar to House Sit?

When is a thief no longer a thief? When he says, “I’ve changed! I haven’t robbed a home in three weeks now, and I’m ready to show you why you can trust me with your home!”? Would you invite the young burglar to house sit for you?

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Christmas in No Man’s Land
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Christmas in No Man’s Land

As we sing the carols in our trenches this year, will we be the ones to remember the Savior who left heaven to cross into no man’s land with terms of peace? Will we peak over the fortifications, call out to the other side and offer lasting peace that only comes through Christ? 

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The Tree that Didn’t Die (Video)
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

The Tree that Didn’t Die (Video)

In this video, BCA counselor, Joe Leavell shares a story from his backyard to help encourage those who may be doing all the right things but still struggling to see any meaningful difference in their lives.

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Thankful for You
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Thankful for You

Here at Biblical Counseling of Arizona, we are thankful for each of you! We are honored that you have trusted us with your stories and allowed us to point you towards the wisdom of the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word for over seven years now.

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Hug the Porcupine
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Hug the Porcupine

As I got to know the couple, how the Gospel showed up in their situation became evident. I told the husband that because of Christ, he needed to hug his porcupine. He looked at me like I was a bit weird (which I am). I then went on to explain how the Gospel works. 

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Anxiety and a Lost Toddler
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Anxiety and a Lost Toddler

For a moment, I stood enjoying the sights and sounds, but then realization and panic struck me. 

No one was holding my hand!

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Choosing Option C in Your Marriage
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Choosing Option C in Your Marriage

Just like Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves to try to fix their problems, many counselors and therapists will give a lot of tips and tools on how to communicate better, how to have better sex, how to have a better spouse before the weekend, how to do, do, do. Yet for all of our best efforts, we will fall frustratingly short of God’s ultimate design and purpose for marriage.

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