What Is Your Value?
What is your value? Does it depend on how others treat you on any given day or is there someone who has ascribed even more value to you? How much value does God say you have?

Reconciling the Irreconcilable
You want something to be a certain way but your spouse stubbornly can’t see things the “correct way” and wants something else. So now what?

What Do You Love?
What do you love and how can you tell? Do you have someone walking alongside you to help you see your blind spots?

Shin Splints and Biblical Counseling
Just like getting shin splints from running incorrectly, wanting to do the right thing and not knowing how can be frustrating and can be a hope killer! What you don’t know can hurt you when you are not living according to God’s wisdom.

Groaning vs. Grumbling
Complaining puts us in the judgment seat of Almighty God, and demands that He answer to us for our pain. Groaning leads to worship; complaining leads to despair.

Groaning for Home
This life that we live now includes a deep angst to be free from the presence of sin, from the wearing out of our bodies in death, from all suffering and wrongdoing, and to finally be in the presence of our Savior where we will worship Him in His presence for eternity. We long and groan for that day!

My Psalm
Several years ago, I was challenged through the ministry of a class in our church, to write out my own psalm of what I was wrestling through in my understanding of God. While it is a beautiful thing to read and sing the stories and poetry of others to God, it is also important for us to voice our own hearts to Him in worship as well.

Faithfully Stewarding Death
Unless your name is Enoch or Elijah, or if Jesus comes back before that time, you are going to die. Is that a morbid thought? It’s certainly not comfortable to think about, but it’s the reality of the world in which we face. It’s time to prepare!

Secure in God’s Love
No matter what the difficulties of life, no matter how strong the enemy of the brethren might accuse you, there is no time when you could not stand tall and firm and shout to the heavens, “My Father in Heaven loves me!!”

I Wish God Would Just Appear to Me
I get it. I want to see God too. I desire more than anything else to physically worship at the feet of Jesus. Frankly, I totally get how much simpler it would be to obey and to have faith in someone whose glory you can verify with your senses. I want to see the scars on His hands and His feet, and forever praise Him for redeeming me from my sin. Today would sure be nice!

God’s Steadfast Love Endures Forever (A Meditation on Psalm 136)
God’s steadfast love is enduring. It is permanent. It will never end but will go on forever and ever. Do you know what this means? It means Psalm 136 will never end!

Did Mary Experience Pain in Giving Birth to Jesus?
Would God have shielded her from sore muscles? Surely, because Mary was giving birth to the Savior of the world, God would give her a pass on the pain associated with childbirth, right? Right??

What Does Jesus Want for Christmas?
What does Jesus think of our Christmas celebrations? Is this really what He would want to commemorate the day of His incarnation? Scripture gives us a few clues as to what Jesus wants.

Must I Thank God for my Heartache?
Countless people who are seeking to make sense of the sorrow which they now face this year. Are we supposed to thank God for grief, evil, or sadness?

How Much Money to NOT read your Bible?
How much money would it take if I offered to pay you not to read your Bible today? We know what we’re supposed to say, but how much do we value God's Word?

Too Tired To Serve?
What is your reasoning when you are too tired to serve others? Been too busy? Too much work? Jesus had every reason not to serve and took the posture of a servant.

Fixing a Broken Vacuum
Obeying God without walking with the Spirit is like vacuuming the living room with a broken vacuum. You can make a lot of noise and look good but there really is no suction power.

Practical Prophecy - What Does Prophecy have to do with Biblical Counseling? (video)

Flanked by the Enemy
We are not snipers and commandos who must fight our spiritual battles in isolation. We are meant to be one singular fighting unit who fight for the survival of the man in the foxhole next to him.

Investing in Eternity
Rather than valuing what we can do with our resources here where they will lose all value, consider what it might look like to utilize those resources into eternity.