Too Tired to Care - A Lesson in Compassion Fatigue
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Too Tired to Care - A Lesson in Compassion Fatigue

No matter how well versed we become in helping others, we still need others to give us perspective. I was not taking my own advice and had let subtle lies creep into God’s requirements on my life that I would never put on someone else. I had begun to believe that God had done so much for me, that I couldn’t ask for more.

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Flanked by the Enemy
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Flanked by the Enemy

We are not snipers and commandos who must fight our spiritual battles in isolation. We are meant to be one singular fighting unit who fight for the survival of the man in the foxhole next to him.

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Investing in Eternity
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Investing in Eternity

Rather than valuing what we can do with our resources here where they will lose all value, consider what it might look like to utilize those resources into eternity.

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Hospital Or Hospice?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Hospital Or Hospice?

What causes a skunk's bad smell? The thing that made it feel threatened or the skunk itself? How about us when our responses stink?

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Solving the Stink
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Solving the Stink

What causes a skunk's bad smell? The thing that made it feel threatened or the skunk itself? How about us when our responses stink?

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Would You Take the Trials or the Cash?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Would You Take the Trials or the Cash?

Which option is more valuable - the trials that you and I are going through or a wheelbarrow full of cash? Think about it long and hard before you give what you think is the ‘expected’ answer.

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If I’m Getting Counseling Do I Need The Church?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

If I’m Getting Counseling Do I Need The Church?

our aim is to work underneath the authority of the churches who desire to partner with us in order to help those within their congregations who may be facing serious hurts, grieving, may be walking in unconfessed sin, struggling to find wisdom, etc.

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Gospel Lessons from Carryout Pizza
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Gospel Lessons from Carryout Pizza

Many today are struggling to make sense of it all. They wonder how God could still love us and leave us in this world with these kinds of physical, mental, and emotional pains to endure. Questions ring out from our broken hearts. Doesn’t He Love me?

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Living in A World Affected by Evil
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Living in A World Affected by Evil

Many today are struggling to make sense of it all. They wonder how God could still love us and leave us in this world with these kinds of physical, mental, and emotional pains to endure. Questions ring out from our broken hearts. Doesn’t He Love me?

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How To Finally Destroy Evil
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

How To Finally Destroy Evil

We want God to destroy it when we see it! But I too am evil. I turned my back on the Giver of life and deserve separation from the life that He gives. I deserve judgment. I deserve death. All mankind stands condemned before a God who sees and hates evil perfectly. What is to become of me?

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What if....
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

What if....

Being a believer in Christ does not mean that our circumstances will always be easy, or always better. It does not mean that your “what if’s” will never occur. That is not the promise of the Gospel.

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Counseling Begins with God
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Counseling Begins with God

If you do not start with "In the Beginning God" as the main foundation in counseling, you’ve already started with the wrong premise.. Rather than God, you will inevitably be the center hero of your own story.

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