Be Nice to me. My Friend Just Died - Part 2
Kathi Bishop Kathi Bishop

Be Nice to me. My Friend Just Died - Part 2

In this grace hunt I find God really did ease the sadness with His tender mercies. Slowly, day by day my soul found freedom. Freedom to move forward, free to care again, free to open my heart and live in love.

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Be Nice to me. My Friend Just Died - Part 1
Kathi Bishop Kathi Bishop

Be Nice to me. My Friend Just Died - Part 1

Grief is fine and very appropriate but as the days progressed my sadness turned ugly. I realized that I was overly sensitive with everyone. “Be nice to me, my friend just died,” I wanted to tell every person I ran into.

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Must I Thank God for my Heartache?
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Must I Thank God for my Heartache?

Countless people who are seeking to make sense of the sorrow which they now face this year. Are we supposed to thank God for grief, evil, or sadness?

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