Shin Splints and Biblical Counseling
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Shin Splints and Biblical Counseling

Just like getting shin splints from running incorrectly, wanting to do the right thing and not knowing how can be frustrating and can be a hope killer! What you don’t know can hurt you when you are not living according to God’s wisdom.

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Groaning vs. Grumbling
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Groaning vs. Grumbling

Complaining puts us in the judgment seat of Almighty God, and demands that He answer to us for our pain. Groaning leads to worship; complaining leads to despair.

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Groaning for Home
Joseph Leavell Joseph Leavell

Groaning for Home

This life that we live now includes a deep angst to be free from the presence of sin, from the wearing out of our bodies in death, from all suffering and wrongdoing, and to finally be in the presence of our Savior where we will worship Him in His presence for eternity. We long and groan for that day!

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