Breaking the Chains of Isolation: Finding Community in the Midst of Trauma
When we isolate ourselves, we deprive others of the opportunity to fulfill this calling. More importantly, we deprive ourselves of the healing that comes through community. As we confess our struggles to one another and pray together, God works through His people to bring comfort and hope.

Church Hurt and the Missing Pastor
Many times, those who come to us for counseling because of church hurt, do so because of some significant difficulty in their life that their church family didn’t even notice. Worse, the church did notice and then did little to nothing to help.

If I’m Getting Counseling Do I Need The Church?
our aim is to work underneath the authority of the churches who desire to partner with us in order to help those within their congregations who may be facing serious hurts, grieving, may be walking in unconfessed sin, struggling to find wisdom, etc.