Protecting the Vulnerable from Abuse (video)

Through the years, BCA has taken all kinds of abuse very seriously, even seeing those we’ve counseled go straight to jail from our office. Why? Scripture is full of examples and commands of God’s heart towards protecting the vulnerable from harm.

In this video, BCA counselor, Joe Leavell, shares our heart to protect the vulnerable from abuse, specifically addressing the protection of women. Rather than overlooking abuse to keep the reputations of ministries free from scandal or keeping a culture of abuse in the shadows to not upset the status quo, we will not minimize abuse or protect abusers. Our heart is to support the local church in following the character of God by taking abuse situations very seriously and working through it biblically.

We have worked with many couples and families through abusive situations and have even seen biblical reconciliation that does not shortcut the hard work of real repentance exemplified through a changed life. All through the lens of reflecting God’s character by seeking to protect the vulnerable from harm.


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